26 April 2024

Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University initiated integration efforts with successful universities in the Russian Federation and the development of double degree programs

These programs enable students to obtain two separate diplomas – one from the East Kazakhstan University and one from the partner university. Completing a double degree program increases graduates’ opportunities for employment after university, providing them with more priority job prospects both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

For instance, the dean of the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences, Saltanat Adikanova, along with master’s students in the educational program “Informatics” such as Zh. Serikova, D. Ospanova, Zh. Kobentai, and the “Information Systems” program A. Kobentai participated in the scientific-practical conference “My Choice is Science!” (2024) in Barnaul. They also visited several institutes and scientific laboratories at Altai State University, the Digital UP digital department training center, and other facilities.

During the visit, Saltanat Adikanova held meetings with the leadership of Altai State University, including the head of the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, Elena Pon’kina. The implementation of joint master’s programs in “Informatics,” “Information Systems,” and “Applied Informatics: Digital Data Analysis Technologies for Sustainable Development of the Northern and Central Asian Regions” was agreed upon.

“We have long been collaborating productively with Altai State University,” said Saltanat Adikanova. “During the trip, I saw a good material base, high potential among personnel, and new opportunities for expanding scientific and educational cooperation were revealed to us. I was particularly interested in the practice of creating Digital UP centers, VR laboratories, and corporate information security threat protection laboratories. I noted that the university is actively developing. It is evident that VR development, artificial intelligence, and information security are highly demanded. We have already agreed on the professional development of some of our teachers. This is very important for exchanging practices and experiences in creating such laboratories and centers.”

The head of the joint master’s program at Altai State University, who also heads the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, Elena Pon’kina, also commented on the collaboration: “Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University  is our long-standing partner not only in educational fields but also in the scientific sphere. We closely cooperate with the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences. Joint master’s programs are being implemented, where students receive two diplomas from Altai State University and the Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. Significant work is being done to implement the ‘Priority 2030’ projects. Just a week ago, a delegation from Altai State University visited the Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. Currently, an academic mobility program is being implemented for students from Kazakhstan. In May, a programming hackathon will be held. All of this, according to Elena Pon’kina, leads to real integration of educational processes, stimulates creativity, and uplifts the spirit of our students.

“I am personally pleased that Altai State University is becoming a true international platform for talent development,” concluded the representative of Altai State University.”