26 April 2024


Toys and clothes for premature babies, a portable wood burner, unique biofertilizer, a two-dimensional model of a child for road safety – these are just a few of the projects presented at the traditional school science festival. 67 scientific developments will be presented by schoolchildren from the entire region at the three-day festival, organized annually by Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University.

“The Science Festival for Schoolchildren is a key project for popularizing science among the younger generation. The university actively engages school students in scientific research and discoveries for the benefit of the country’s development. Today, all conditions are created for young scientists, providing grants for their projects and cash certificates for scientific competitions. You have everything ahead of you,” said Irina Rovnyakova, Deputy Chairman of the Board and Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and International Cooperation.

On the first day, young but promising scientists from primary and middle school levels presented their inventions to EKU researchers. One of them is a contour child model with reflective strips for ensuring the safety of road traffic participants. The Poliakov triplets, Elizaveta, Veronika, and Ekaterina, have already presented their project to representatives of the traffic police, and now their pilot models adorn intersections on Likharev Street and Abay Avenue.

Festival participant Veronika Shakalova, together with Yaroslav Stepkin, developed special toys and clothing for premature babies. According to the kids, textile products are made taking into account recommendations from medical workers.

“To prevent newborns from touching the breathing tubes, we connected squids and octopuses with soft tentacles. And woolen clothing with special cuts is designed for ventilator tube systems,” say the project authors.

Danil Nifantov invented a portable wood burner for home use, incorporating a car battery into it. Such a burner can work tirelessly for a whole week, and a wooden assistant – a robot lamp – helps to burn stencils even in the dark. The project also features developed wooden stencils and a comprehensive guide to mastering wood burning skills.

No less interesting is the project developed by the twins Vladislav and Rostislav Kvindt – an intellectual game “Proverbs based on zoo and phytonyms.” Furniture in national style made from plastic bottles, biofertilizer from spirulina, and original Kazakh national jewelry for women at home amazed the jury with their uniqueness and originality.

The second day of the festival lies ahead, where middle school students will demonstrate their unique scientific developments. At the end of the festival, the best young scientists of the region will be identified.