2 May 2024


Open lecture of Maxim Rostislavovich Geta, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kuzbass Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University, on the problems of criminal policy and criminal legislation of Kazakhstan and Russia in the East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov was held. S. Amanzholov. The lecture by a renowned Russian researcher is a unique opportunity to highlight key aspects of legal practice and theory of the two countries in the context of criminal justice. This format provides students and legal professionals with an in-depth analysis of the legal systems, allowing them to compare the established conceptual approaches to the most important criminal law categories in both countries.

This public lecture was moderated by Dr. Kuat Khajumukhanovich Rakhimberdin, Doctor of Law, who prepared a presentation on the representatives of the scientific school in the field of criminal-executive law (the school of A.L. Remenson), whose ideas are promoted and developed by M.R. Geta in his scientific and pedagogical activities.

During the lecture M.R. Geta, Candidate of Legal Sciences, highlighted the main problems faced by modern penal systems in Kazakhstan and Russia. This included a discussion of the effectiveness of legislation in the fight against crime, problems in the field of law enforcement, as well as issues of respect for human rights and freedoms, the problem of criminal misconduct, punishment without isolation from society, the institute of probation.

In addition, the lecture touched upon current trends and challenges facing criminal systems in the modern world, such as cybercrime, terrorism and cross-border organized crime.

Overall, the lecture is a valuable tool for understanding criminal policy in Kazakhstan and Russia, as well as for analyzing its effectiveness and prospects for future development.

The past lecture by Associate Professor M.R. Geta, focused on analyzing the criminal policy of both countries. Students, master’s students and professors expressed their appreciation and gratitude for the depth of analysis and practical applicability of the topics discussed, the liveliness and fascination of the lecture. The event also contributed to the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries in the field of legal sciences, exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge. Such initiatives help to broaden the worldview horizons of students and contribute to the development of a deeper understanding of the legal systems of different states.

The Russian scientist expressed his gratitude to the university management and personally to the Chairman of the Board – Rector of NAO “East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov” professor. S. Amanzholov” Professor M.A. Tolegen.

Prepared by Doctor of Law Rakhimberdin K.K.