6 May 2024

We remember the victorious fighters

It is very difficult for today’s generation to imagine what the war years were like. Fortunately, we were born in a time of peace and did not experience the horrors of war. We will never forget the bravery of the participants of the Great Patriotic War, we will help to glorify them to the future generation.
During the realization of these goals, several cycles of events were organized under the title “Ұлы ерлікке мың тағзым”. The event included a book exhibition dedicated to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a photo exhibition dedicated to the veterans of the university who took part in the Great Patriotic War “Zheinis zhuyngerleri zhadymyzda”. At the exhibition were presented the directors and rector of UKPI Shestakov A.A., Ermolaev L.A., Ualiev Y.K., also, Osmakov A.A., Potapov A.V., Pashilov A.I., A.I. Petrov who worked in the faculty.
The culmination of the event was the speech of Zh.A. Kalimoldina, Vice-Rector for Educational and Social Work, member of the Board. During the lecture Zh. Amangeldievna told about the bravery, courage, achievement of A. Moldagulova, R. Koshkarbaev, S. Nurmagambetov.
In addition, senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social Humanities Zhirindinova K.R. told valuable information about the feats of war veterans, dwelled on situations that still require research and analysis in an objective, non-political form.
The main thing is that no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The feats of heroes are always in the memory of their people.

Head of the University Museum Amanzholov