24 May 2024

Procedure for interviewing persons having technical and professional education, higher education

The procedure for interviewing persons having, technical and professional education, higher education.

1. Admission to the University of persons who have technical and professional higher education on groups of educational programs that provide shortened terms of study on a fee basis, is carried out by the admission committee of the University in the form of an interview.

Acceptance of applications for participation in the interview, as well as its conduct is carried out in the period from June 10 to August 24 of the calendar year.

2.To participate in the interview, applicants shall submit the following documents to the Admissions Committee:

1) application for participation in the interview;

2) a document on education with an attachment (original);

3) a copy of an identity document.

The interview is conducted by the commission according to the schedule approved by the Chairman of the Admissions Committee.
Oral interview is conducted according to the schedule approved by the chairman of the Admissions Committee (in conditions of emergency, strengthening / maintaining quarantine measures in online mode with the use of appropriate platforms for videoconferencing).
The procedure for interviewing applicants consists of two stages:

– analysis by the commission of documents on education, the results of testing to determine the level of knowledge of the applicant.

– Oral interview with the entrants, providing a conversation on the following questions:

– place of work;

– position;

– work experience in the chosen field of study;

– knowledge of languages;

– professional skills and knowledge (indicators based on the results of computerized testing);

– purpose of training.

6.To conduct interviews with persons having higher education, technical and professional education on the group of educational programs providing for shortened terms of study on a paid basis, a commission shall be created, which is approved by the Chairman of the Admissions Committee of the University.

7. The results of the interview shall be formalized by the protocol of the commission in the prescribed form for each applicant and shall be filed in his/her personal file.