27 June 2024


In the new academic year EKU will present innovative educational programmes developed in cooperation with the World Bank, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev University, HAMK University of Applied Sciences and JAMK University of Applied Science.

The list of innovations includes: “History and Social Science”, “Preschool Education”, “Primary Education”, “Biology”, “Special Pedagogy”, “Psychology”, “Social Pedagogy”, “Music Education”, “Mathematics”, “Informatics”, “Physical Education and Sports”, “Geography”, “Chemistry”, “Physics”, “Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of education”, “Russian language and literature in schools with Russian and non-Russian language of education”, “English language”, “Foreign languages”, “Research in education”, “Management and leadership in education”, “Special pedagogy: Supporting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”, “Digital Pedagogy”, “Political Science and International Relations”, “Philosophy-Religious Studies”.

The innovative EPs are designed according to the progressive Finnish model of education, taking into account the modern requirements of the labour market. From now on, the students’ education will have a significant emphasis on practice-orientation and development of research competences.

It should be noted that the large-scale work of the alma mater was implemented within the framework of the project “Modernisation of Secondary Education”.