27 August 2024

The Silver University has opened enrolment for training courses

The project “Silver University 50+” continues its work in the Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University

In the Silver University of Sarsen Amanzholov EKU the enrolment for the following training courses is open:

  1. “English language” (for communication);
  2. “Digital Literacy”;
  3. “Art therapy: drawing therapy”;
  4. Social-psychological factors of health. IAC work: “Age of Happiness”;
  5. “Legal Literacy”;
  6. “Rational, therapeutic and dietary nutrition”,
  7. “Teaching chess for beginner adults”.

Duration of the course – 2 weeks, in the volume of 36, 72 hours.

The courses will be held free of charge.

Enquiries by phone: 8(7232)252284; 87055092111; 87771696019; 87086552812