Department of foreign languages and translation
In 1988, the specialty «Foreign language» was opened at the Faculty of Foreign Languages with qualification «Teacher of English and German Languages» In 1991, an independent graduate department of German Language was established. The first head of the department was appointed Senchenkova Natalia Gennadyevna, candidate of philological sciences.
In 1997 a new specialty «Translation Business» was opened at the faculty with qualification «Translator-referent».
In May 2002, an independent graduate department of the theory and practice of translation was established. Preparation of students in translation and English as a main foreign language. Translation disciplines were also taught to students of specialty «Foreign language: two foreign languages».
Since 2006 «German Language Department» was merged with «Department of Theory and Practice of Translation» and was renamed into «Department of Language and Translation». In 2012, the department was merged with the department of «practical course of foreign languages» and in 2013 with the department «English language». Currently, 25 teachers, including 6 PhDs, 1 PhD and 18 masters of education work at the «Foreign languages and Translation Department».
The department is regularly invited native speakers, volunteers. Since 2019, Gul Banu and Saddullah Duman (Bülent Edgevit Zonguldak University, Turkey) have been teaching Turkish as the second foreign language department. Since 2020, English and Korean have been promoted by volunteers from the United States and South Korea.
The Department of «Foreign Languages and Translation» conducts research work within the framework of the unified theme:
«Structural-semantic and comparative-typological analysis of linguistic phenomena in different systems languages, linguo-pedagogical and methodical problems of language learning and translation».

Kapysheva Gulnar Kydyrbekovna
Head of the Department, Candidate of Philology

Kapysheva Gulnar Kydyrbekovna
Head of the Department, Candidate of Philology
According to the results of 2014 and 2017, the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation took 1st place in the intra-university competition and was awarded the title of "Best Department of the Year".
1st year student of the OP "Foreign language: two foreign languages" Oralkhan Aizhan Yernazar kyzy was awarded the title of "Best Student of the Year 2018"
Within the framework of conferences, students and teachers prepare reports and publications that reflect the problems of modern development of the English language, problems of translation of special texts and their stylistic features, linguistic analysis of phraseological units and the establishment of interlanguage phraseological equivalents in different languages, problems of theory and practice of literary translation, etc.
The scientists of the department actively participate in international symposia and congresses (University named after Gutenberg University, Germany, Jakarta University, Indonesia, Linden University, Netherlands, University of Freiburg, Switzerland)
Teachers and students actively participate in various advanced training courses in Kazakhstan and abroad, pass language exams for international certificates. (IELTS, Goethe-Zertifikat, TKT)
In order to implement the agreement on joint cooperation between HAO "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" and NAO "Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, a working group has been established to ensure the implementation and coordination of the international project MODULE Digital Humanities in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Local Solutions for Global Problems (2020-2023) of the European Union Jean Monnet program, which includes teachers of the department.
Senior lecturer of the department Saparova D.R. in December 2020 graduated from the doctoral program in the specialty "Cultural Studies" of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi and defended the degree of Doctor of PhD
The educational program 6B01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» took 1st place according to the results of the «Atameken» rating.
In 2024, the educational program 6B01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» was awarded 4 QS Stars.
The department of foreign languages and translation studies won a grant to conduct research and organize cultural and educational events on the topic of « A Cycle of Cultural and Educational Events Dedicated to the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Goethe-Institut in Kazakhstan»
The educational work of the department is carried out in accordance with the "Comprehensive program of education in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Collection of regulations and normative documents on the organization and conduct of educational work in the EKU named after S. Amanzholov."
The system of educational work carried out at the department is considered by the teaching staff as a purposeful activity focused on creating conditions for the development of students' spirituality on the basis of universal and national values; helping them in life self-determination, moral, civic and professional development. The main goals of educational work with students at the department are:
- formation, development and formation of the personality of a future specialist, combining high education, deep professional knowledge, skills, active citizenship, broad outlook, humanism, love and respect for the history and traditions of the Motherland, national culture;
- development and preservation of the best traditions of ЕKU im. S. Amanzholova, which educates students about the prestige of the chosen profession;
- development of a conscious attitude towards learning, which allows students to actively participate in the educational process;
- formation of patriotic consciousness of students, culture of interpersonal and interethnic relations, tolerance, ability to work in a team.
The department has accumulated extensive experience in organizing and conducting educational work. At the meetings of the department, plans for educational work are approved annually, curatorial diaries are regularly maintained and filled in, and reports are heard. The staff of the department instills in students the norms of professional ethics, civic responsibility of the future specialist for the results of his professional activity.
Much attention is paid to curatorial work. The role of the curator in organizing and conducting educational work in the student environment is invaluable. The teachers of the department are curators of academic groups.
Particularly much attention is paid to extracurricular work with students enrolled in the state program "Serpin".
At the beginning of the academic year, first-year curators are engaged in organizational work on the adaptation of first-year students, conducting curatorial hours in groups in order to select a student asset for the new academic year, drawing up a diagnostic and information card about each first-year student. The main focus is on the rules of conduct at the university and in the hostel.
On the basis of the joint Action Plan of the Department, within the framework of the comprehensive action plan of the University, conversations on various topics are held with students of 1-4 courses.
In the modern conditions of the formation of a multipolar world, the actual direction of educational work with students is the problem of revealing various aspects of national revival, interethnic communication and tolerant relations. For this purpose, the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies annually organizes the Festival of Languages, during which the students of the department present the foreign languages being studied: English, German, Chinese, Korean, French and Turkish.
Excursions around the city, to the ethnopark, museums and collective visits to theaters, exhibitions of folk art are regularly organized.
The teachers of the department are actively involved in holding events with students to study and implement the annual President's Address.
The department conducts research work within the framework of a single department theme: "Structural - semantic and comparative typological analysis of linguistic phenomena in languages of different systems, linguodidactic and methodological aspects of translation and intercultural communication in the context of new information technologies."
The purpose of the department's research work is to conduct a structural-semantic and comparative-typological analysis of various linguistic phenomena in the languages taught at the department, as well as to study the problems of a linguodidactic and methodological nature that arise when teaching students language and translation.
The practical and methodological significance of the research work of the department lies in the introduction of new educational technologies and the results of research work of teachers into the educational process.
The policy in the choice of research areas at the department is determined by the needs of the teaching staff and students in scientific products - articles, educational and teaching aids, guidelines. Educational and methodological developments are aimed at replenishing the methodological support of the department, at improving the teaching of foreign languages.
The end result of the department's work is to confirm in practice the scientific hypotheses put forward and to test them in the educational process.
At the invitation of the City Educational Establishment, the teachers of the department take an active part in the preparation and conduct of city and regional Olympiads in English and German among schoolchildren of the city and region.
Ph.D. Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies Zhang E.E. is the chairman of the jury of the regional Olympiad in English; chairman of the jury of the competition "My linguistic capital" at the "NISTS ShKRO" Vostok "for gifted children", as well as a scientific consultant of the KSU "Research Specialized Center - School - Complex of Developmental Education" East "for Gifted Children.
The lecturers of the department have equipped classrooms for English, German, Korean, Turkish, Spanish, French and Chinese. At the disposal of students and teachers there is a language laboratory, an audio-video room, a reading room, which contributes to the better organization of not only classes, but also students' independent work.
The organizations ACCELS, USIS, the British Council, the German Embassy, the Swiss Embassy, and the Korean Center provide great assistance in the material equipment of the EP and in replenishing the funds of the reading room with scientific and methodological literature.
Teachers and students of the department participate in international conferences, seminars and webinars organized by various international organizations, such as the Institute named after Goethe, German Academic Exchange Service, Interpress, Teacher Training Program, the result of participation in which is the receipt of certificates, diplomas, publication of articles.
The teachers of the department annually undergo advanced training through these organizations, which is of a scientific and practical nature and reflects the current achievements of the theory and practice of modern methods of teaching foreign languages.
So, on the line of DAAD, Associate Professor G.K. Kapysheva. participates in the symposia of Germanists in Germany in Mainz at the University. I. Gutenberg on the topic "Comparative analysis of phraseological units in languages of different structures."
Art. teacher, master Kozlova A.L. regularly participates in an international training seminar for licensed specialists in taking language exams for international certificates of the Goethe Institute (A1-C2).
Teachers annually pass refresher courses under the "Orleu" program in Almaty, and also undergo training in foreign universities under this program.
The department cooperates with the Korean Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, the Korean cultural center of the city of Almaty, the Chonju University of the Republic of Korea, the US Embassy (Astana), the International School "Nur Orda", the Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum.
Scientific and scientific-methodical products of the teachers of the department are implemented:
- in the practice of higher education (lectures, special courses, special. Seminars, practical exercises);
- as part of student research papers, presentations at scientific and practical conferences, work with reports, active participation in the week of World Languages and other events;
- in educational practices (pedagogical, educational, production and pedagogical, research, pre-diploma).
- in the publication of scientific and scientific-methodical works (textbooks and teaching aids).
The teachers of the department annually publish articles, publish textbooks and methodological instructions in various republican and foreign publications.
Scientific research is being actively carried out, methodological manuals and developments for students are being compiled. Every year, students are prepared with reports for participation in the student scientific conference. Abstracts of reports are published in the collection of conference materials.
The teachers of the department in the framework of their scientific research ac take an active part in the work of university, republican and international conferences.
The pedagogical specialization of the department determines the direction of its research and production activities, that is, the results of the department's research and development work are implemented, including in the schools of the city and the region.
In cooperation with the German cultural center, the teachers of the department (Kozlova A.L., Kapysheva G.K.) systematically conduct seminars and trainings for school teachers and university teachers of the city, seminars on methods of teaching foreign languages.
EP students assigned to the department have every opportunity for the development and implementation of scientific projects. The teachers of the department provide support and give the necessary advice to everyone. Students receive timely information about university, republican and international SRWS competitions.
The traditional forms of research activities of students and young scientists are:
- participation in research circles of the department
"Linguistic theory and practice of the German and English languages" (supervisor - Ph.D. Kapysheva G.K.); "Onomastic research" (supervisor - Ph.D. Abdrakhmanova TM). The results of the scientific activities of the circles are the reports of students at conferences, the publication of articles and abstracts, diploma projects. The regularity of the meetings of the circles is once a month. The topics and content of the meetings are recorded;
- active participation in student scientific and practical conferences;
- publication of the results of research work;
- writing and defense of theses and master's projects;
- participation in international scientific projects within the framework of academic mobility.
- (Sveche, Wroclaw, Poland, Beijing, China, Siauliai University, Kaunas, Lithuania)
The department plans to improve research and development by actively developing scientific cooperation with KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan and other universities of Kazakhstan, ensuring the maximum participation of young teachers in scientific and research activities on the basis of V. Sarsen Amanzholov, increasing the number of publications within the framework of a single cathedral theme.
Students and teachers annually participate in the competition for a DAAD scholarship to participate in summer language courses at leading universities in Germany, and under the "Exchange of Scientists" program.
According to the academic mobility program, students and teachers of the department annually go abroad to study for 1 or 2 semesters and internships in countries such as Germany, South Korea, Poland, Great Britain, USA, Portugal, Spain, France, Malaysia.
Teaching staff who have traveled abroad on academic mobility programs (lecturing and conducting research)
LFM | Degree | Country of visit | Results |
Kapysheva G.K. | Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor/Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission | Germany | Speech at the symposium of Germanists, certificate, article, preparation for publication of the monograph "Interlanguage equivalents" |
Larionova I.Yu. | Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor/Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission | Vietnam | participation in the seminar, certificate preparation for the publication of the monograph "CLIL technologies" |
The department systematically invites foreign lecturers to give lectures (Zhan Meilan, Professor at Qin Hua University, Beijing; Elizaveta Bydanova, PhD, International Center for Pedagogical Research, France; Katharina Bouc, PhD lecturer at DAAD). Native-speaking volunteers are constantly working at the department: Joseph Wilson, the holder of the Fulbright International scholarship, PHD student, Kim Mi–hyang, Professor from South Korea (2019-2020, 2020-2021 academic years), two volunteers from Turkey: Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Gulbanu Duman and Master MA Sadullah Duman (2020-2021 academic year). Master's Degree in Pedagogy from Busan University of South Korea Lee Hayoung (2024-2025)
2020-2021 academic year
Full name | Degree | Visited country | Results |
Kapysheva G.K. | Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor/Associate Professor Higher Attestation Commission | Germany | certificate
2023-2024 academic year
Full name | Degree | Visited country | Results |
Abdrakhmanova T.M. | Associate Professor | Turkey | certificate |
Kapysheva G.K. | Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor/Associate Professor Higher Attestation Commission | Germany | certificate |
Larionova I.Y. | candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor | Vietnam | certificate |
Fedosova S.A. | candidate of philological sciences, professor | Vietnam | certificate |
2024-2025 academic year
Full name | Degree | Visited country | Results |
Kapysheva G.K. | Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor/Associate Professor Higher Attestation Commission | Germany | certificate |
Larionova I.Y. | candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor | Indonesia | certificate |
Fedosova S.A. | candidate of philological sciences, professor | Thailand | certificate |
Students who went abroad for academic mobility programs.
2021-2022 academic year
Full name | Specialty (with code), course | University/Center/Laboratory, |
Fazylova Ayazhan Askarovna | 3rd year, 6B01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Uidanova Danara Talgatovna | 3rd year , 6B01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Bakhtiyarova Ayaulym Suyindykkyzy | 3rd year , 6B02301 «Translation Studies» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Erkin Eldos Bauyrzhanuly | 3rd year , 6B01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Kaunas |
Naak Rikhart Anatolyevich | 2nd year, 6B01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Kaunas |
Khamit Ermek Kairatuly | 3rd year , 6B01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Kaunas |
2022-2023 academic year
Full name | Specialty (with code), course | University/Center/Laboratory, | ||
Eltayeva Madina Eltayevna | 4th year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland | ||
Nurzhankyzy Bayan | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Kaunas | ||
Amangeldin Alinur Ayanuly | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Kaunas | ||
Abilova Anar Nurlankyzy | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea | ||
| 3rd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea | ||
Kokenkyzy Akpeiyl | 2nd year, 7M01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Linguistic and Technical University, Poland | ||
Zauyrov Zhalgas Kuanyshevich | 3rd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Linguistic and Technical University, Poland | ||
Erkin Eldos Bauyrzhanuly
| 4th year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | AdamMickiewiczUniversity, Poznan, Poland | ||
Bauyrzhan Akbala | 3rd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland | ||
Abimoldanova Aknur Yerzhankyzy | 3rd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey |
2023-2024 academic year
Full name | Specialty (with code), course | University/Center/Laboratory, |
Makhmutova Zhanerke Nurkenzhekyzy | 4th year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Merkhakimova Musa Merkhakimovich | 4th year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Alibekova Diana Nurlykhankyzy | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Torybayeva Dayana Samatkyzy | 3rd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Abimoldanova Aknur Yerzhankyzy | 3rd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey |
Kurlus Ayaulym Nurlankyzy | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Cluj Napoca University, Romania |
Kydyrbekova Aigerim Serikovna | 2nd year, 7М01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Nursultan Yernar Rustemuly | 3rd year , 7М01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland |
Kapasheva Madina Adilkanovna | 4th year, 7М01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | USA , Vienne |
2024-2025 academic year
Full name | Specialty (with code), course | University/Center/Laboratory, |
Zharkynbek Akmaral Eldoskyzy | 4th year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, (Poznan, Poland) |
Nurgazina Aida Askhatovna | 3rd year, 6В02301- « Translation Studies » | Gyeongsang University (Gyeongsang, South Korea) |
Redkina Anastasia Alexandrovna | 3rd year, 6В02301- « Translation Studies » | Gyeongsang University (Gyeongsang, South Korea) |
Sagadiyev Estiyar Kuatovich | 2nd year, 6В02301- « Translation Studies » | Gyeongsang University (Gyeongsang, South Korea) |
Zelenkov Felix Vladimirovich | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | University of Genoa (Genoa, Italy) ) |
Bakytzhanova Arailym Amirzhankyzy | 2nd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | University of Genoa (Genoa, Italy) |
Toktasynova Zhanerke Azamatkyzy | 3rd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | University of Genoa (Genoa, Italy) |
Adilbekova Aya | 3rd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | University of Genoa (Genoa, Italy) |
Begimova Venera Tairovna | 2nd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University,(Poznan, Poland) |
Khamitkhanova Enlik Almaskyzy | 2nd year , 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, (Poznan, Poland) |
Turysbekkyzy Asem | 4th year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | University of Szeged (Szeged, Hungary) |
Zhanabekkyzy Akzhan | 2nd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania) |
Bagdan Alina Muratbekkyzy | 2nd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | University of Genoa (Genoa, Italy) |
Toleukhanova Adel Nurlanovna | 3rd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | University of Genoa (Genoa, Italy) |
Bekbuldanova Alina Galymovna | 3rd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, (Poznan, Poland) |
Malikbayeva Dilyara Alibekovna | 3rd year, 6В01703- «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Adam Mickiewicz University, (Poznan, Poland) |
Tusipkhanova Saule Ruslanovna | 3rd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Gyeongsang University (Gyeongsang, South Korea) |
Incoming Academic Mobility and Internationalization
2023-2024 academic year
Full name | Specialty (with code), course | University/Center/Laboratory, |
Erzalov Orifjon | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Mamadaliyev Zirofiddin Musoevich | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Azamshozoda Ali Azimsho | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Tagoyzoda Rahmatullo | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Abdulov Nasimjon Orifjonovich | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Переводческое дело» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Salomov Khudobakhsh Khidiralievich | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Niyazova Rumeisa Sadulloevna | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies»
| Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Tursunova Aziza Tursunmakhmadovna | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies»
| Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Kurbanova Nozanin Murotzhonovna | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies»
| Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Azizshoeva Fazila Akhmadshoevna | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies»
| Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Bodurshozoda Adiba Rakhmatullo | 2nd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Khilvatshoeva Mutriba Khalimshoevna | 2nd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
2024-2025 academic year
Full name | Specialty (with code), course | University/Center/Laboratory, |
Shamsuddinov Sorbon Manuchehrovich | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies»
| Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Nazarzoda Sunatullo Fayziddin | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies»;
| Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Kholmuminov Shamsiddin Khamzayevich | 2nd year ,6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Sheraliev Safiullokh Ismatulloevich | 2nd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Zukhurzoda Amrullo Shamsullo | 2nd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Muhammadizoda Komiljon Umarhodzha | 2nd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Saidov Shakhboz Radzhabekovich | 3rd year, 6В02301 «Translation Studies»
| Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Bozorova Nargis Davlatova | 3rd year, 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Nuralizoda Saidashraf Mirsaid | 2nd year , 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Khudoydodova Shukrona Rasulovna | 3rd year , 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Mirzoeva Shoira Todzhiddinovna | 3rd year , 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Pirazoda Amonullo Rakhmatullo
| 2nd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Sattorzoda Khushnudjon Sattor | 2nd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Davlatzoda Muhammadullo Saidullo | 2nd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Akhadov Akhadjon Chalilchonovich | 1st year, 6В01707 «Foreign Languages (IP)» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Nazarshoeva Sofiya Sinavbarshoevna | 2nd year , 6В01703 «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Salomov Khudobakhsh Khidiralievich | 3rd year , 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Toshov Muhammadjon Idiboevich | 2nd year , 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Abdulov Nasimjon Orifjonovich | 3rd year , 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Yakubov Khamidullo Azamatilloevich | 2nd year , 6В02301 «Translation Studies» | Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
Methodical work
The educational and methodological work of the department is aimed at improving the teaching methods of the readable disciplines, direct methodological support of the educational process, introducing the results of scientific and methodological research, new information technologies of teaching into the educational process, improving the pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff and includes
- drafting new curriculum work plans,
- drawing up work programs for newly introduced disciplines,
- development of an educational and methodological complex of the discipline and making additions to the existing teaching materials;
- conducting scientific and methodological seminars of the department;
- development and publication of educational and teaching aids in the disciplines taught;
- development of methodological materials for monitoring students' educational achievements;
- mutual visits to classes of teachers of the department in order to exchange pedagogical experience;
- conducting open classes;
- methodological work within the framework of professional development of teachers;
- analysis of the employment of graduates and work to attract employers to work together to train future specialists
- participation in the organization and conduct of an open methodological week of the faculty.
Passports of the OP department
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Teaching staff of the department

Kapysheva Gulnar Kydyrbekovna
Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department

Abdrakhmanova Tolkyn Muratbekovna

Abseitova Yerkezhan Mauletbekovna
Senior lecturer , master

Baurzhanuly Yerkebulan
Lecturer , master

Beisenova Simbat Zhailyaukhanovna
Senior lecturer , master

Toleusabyr Diana
Lecturer , master

Zholamanova Kalamkas Dauletkhanovna
Lecturer , master

Rakhmetova Assel Erlanovna
Lecturer , master

Kenesbekov Yersultan Yerzhanovich
Lecturer , master

Kozlova Anna Lvovna
Senior lecturer , master

Larionova Irina Yurievna
к.п.н., профессор

Matkarimova Dinara Ashimovna
Senior lecturer , master

Muratkanova Zarina Kenzhibekovna
Lecturer , master

Nuralinova Galima Mukhamadievna
Senior lecturer , master

Nurgazhinova Gaukhar Serikovna
Lecturer , master

Saparova Dinara Rakhmetovna
Senior lecturer , master

Serebrennikova Marina Anatolyevna
К.п.н., ассоциированный профессор

Torgaeva Raushan Kazhimkanovna
Senior lecturer , master

Fedosova Svetlana Alexandrovna
к.ф.н., профессор

Zhang Elena Evgenievna
к.п.н., профессор

Friedman Ilmira Zamanbekovna
Senior lecturer , master

Khan Galina Oktyabrevna
Senior lecturer , master

Ryskhanova Zhansaya Aikynkyzy
Lecturer , master

Sharipzhanova Gaukhar Batyrovna
Lecturer , master