About distance learning

By the order of August 7, 2023, the Minister of Science and Higher Education amended the Rules for organizing the educational process in distance learning and in the form of online learning in educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education.

Distance learning is understood as learning carried out through the interaction of a teacher and students at a distance, including using information and communication technologies and telecommunication means.

In turn, online learning is a form of education in specific areas of personnel training, in which the student receives higher and (or) postgraduate education through information and communication technologies and the Internet for interaction between the teacher and the student, regardless of spatial and temporal distance.

Who can study remotely

Organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education provide distance learning:

  • students who have a medical advisory commission’s opinion on their health status;
  • participants of international, national training camps, sports competitions, intellectual and creative contests and festivals for the period of participation;
  • students studying at the OHPE should not exceed the amount established by these Rules for a specific list of training areas.