Department of chemistry
The chemical department began its activity in 1953, which was part of the faculty of natural sciences. By 1959, 51 students studied according to the “Chemistry and Biology” curriculum, in which chemistry took the leading place. During these years, “Teacher of Chemistry and Biology” was trained for 5 years.
In 1972, the department of chemistry was divided into two independent departments: the department of organic and biological chemistry (head of the department Auezov Jumanazar Auezovych) and general and inorganic chemistry (head of the department Ph.D., docent Shashkov Viktor Ipatovich). The department of general and inorganic chemistry was recognized as one of the three main departments in the republic.
C 1973-1974. position Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, Ph.D. Kovalyonok Zinaida Dmitrievna.
In 1975-76. Head of the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, Ph.D. Voronova Margarita Petrovna.
From 1977 to 2003, professor, doctor of science. Dolgova Zinaida Yakovlevna headed the department of organic and biological chemistry (since 1998 it was renamed to the department of biochemistry and biochemistry).
In 1980, the department of general and inorganic chemistry was renamed to the department of inorganic chemistry, and the department of organic and biological chemistry was renamed to the department of organic chemistry. From 1982 to 1992, the department of inorganic chemistry was headed by Nikolay Kharitonovych Pikov, after which the department was renamed to the department of organic and physical chemistry (1992).
In 1984, 2 independent departments were created on the basis of the department of inorganic chemistry – inorganic chemistry and chemical technology; Department of analytical and physical colloidal chemistry. From 1984 to 1992, professor Uvaliev Yumiash Karimovich was the head of the department of inorganic chemistry and chemical technology.
In 1984, Professor Mambetkaziev Erezhep Alkhzairovich, PhD, was appointed the rector of UKPI. In 1991, UKPI was transformed into East Kazakhstan State University.
From 1991 to 1994, he was the head of the department of organic and physical chemistry, docent Pikov Nikolay Kharitonovych.
In 2001, a postgraduate course was opened in the specialty 02.00.05 - "Electrochemistry".
The scientific supervisors of the dissertation work were professors: E.A. Mambetkaziev, D.Kh. Kamysbaev, A.M. Shaldybaeva.
Further, from 1994 to 1998, the head of the department of organic and physical chemistry was appointed Ph.D., associate professor Natalya Aleksandrovna Strunnikova. Then, from 1999 to 2000, he was a k.p.n. Muytunova Alma Tursyngazinovna.
On January 1, 1996, under the guidance of the dean of the faculty, Ph.D., docent Baybatyrova E.N. A master's degree in "Chemistry" was opened together with PPS.
From 1998 to 2001, Professor Shaldybayeva Ayman Magzumovna was the head of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry.
In 2001, on the initiative and active participation of Academician E.A. Mambetkazieva and Ph.D. Shaldybaevoy A.M. On the basis of the university, the III Beremzhan conference was held, which was attended by chemical scientists of universities from far and near abroad.
From 2000 to 2001, the head of the department was Dr. Kamysbaev D.Kh., professor of organic and physical chemistry, then Muzdybayeva Sharbanu Akkazinovna was appointed as the acting head of the department. In 2000, a new specialty 090640 - "Chemical, forensic and ecological examination" was opened at the department under the leadership of the dean of the faculty, Galina Khadzhi-Bekirovna Kasymova, with a training period of 5 years.
In 2001, Dr. Abzhapparov A.A. was appointed rector of EKSU.
From 2001 to 2004, senior lecturer Tantibaeva Batima Smataevna was the head of the department of inorganic and organic chemistry.
Honorary Rector of EKSU, Professor Uvaliev Yumash Karimovich made a big contribution to the development of the Department of Chemistry.
In 2004, there was a merger of two departments - organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry, and biochemistry. Abylkasova Gulzhan Ekpergenovna, Ph.D., associate professor of EKSU, was appointed as the head of the department.
In 2005, the department successfully passed the state certification. In January 2006, Serba Nikolay Gerasimovich, Ph.D., associate professor, was appointed the director of the Scientific Research Institute "Clean Water and New Technologies".
From 2004 to 2008 Roza Ablakimovna, Ph.D., associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission Aubakirova, was appointed to the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry.
In 2008, as a result of the merger of two departments – inorganic and analytical, organic and physical chemistry, the department of chemistry was formed. The post of head of the chemical department was appointed to the post of Ph.D. Abylkasova Gulzhan Ekpergenovna. From 2009 to 2023, the head of the chemistry department was associate professor Shaikhova Bakyt Kaliaskarovna. At the present time, the chair is headed by Shaikhova Bakyt Kaliaskarovna.
Shaikhova Bakyt Kaliaskarovna
Head of the Department of Chemistry
Shaikhova Bakyt Kaliaskarovna
Head of the Department of Chemistry
Based on the results of scientific, educational and methodological work, educational, international activities in 2021, the Department of Chemistry became the owner of the “Best Department” nomination, receiving a certificate for 100 thousand tenge.
In 2019, associative professor Tantibaeva B.S. was awarded the “Algys Khat” diploma by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aimagambetov Askhat Kanatovich.
Associate Professor Zuhra Satbekovna Dautova was awarded a diploma in the category “Best Methodist of 2020” and a cash prize of 50 thousand tenge.
Professor Aubakirova R.A. and associate professor Shaikhova B.K. was awarded Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Based on the results of participation in the online course competition in the MOOC format, the group of authors (Shaikhova B.K., Aubakirova R.A., Dautova Z.S.) took 1st place and was awarded a certificate in the amount of 150 thousand tenge.
2nd year student OP 6B05302-Chemistry Kaiyrbekov Nariman took an active part in the competition of scientific projects “Zhas Talap”, according to the results of which he took 1st prize. According to the order of the rector, he was awarded a bonus of 50 thousand tenge for taking 1 prize.
In the 2020-21 academic year, Kaiyrbekov Nariman was the owner of a personal scholarship named after Professor Yumash Karimovich Uvaliev for excellent studies and active participation in research. For his active participation in research work, Kaiyrbekov Nariman was awarded the diploma “Best Chemist 2021”. Kaiyrbekov Nariman won the nomination “Best Student of the CIS” in 2021.
2nd year students of OP 6B05302-Chemistry Kayyrbekov Nariman and Saghdollin Zhandos Rashiduly took part in the competition of scientific innovative projects “Granite of Science-2021”, as a result of which they were awarded the diploma “Best project in the category “Technical and Natural Sciences”. Rector of VKU Tolegen M. Ә. they were awarded certificates worth 500 thousand tenge for taking 1st place in the “Granite of Science - 2021” competition among young researchers.
In May 2023, students of OP 6B01504-Chemistry Kaiyrbekov Nariman won a 3-month grant to study at the School of Chemical Sciences at Mahatma Gandhi University (Republic of India, Kerala).
Sagdollin Zhandos was the owner of a personal scholarship named after Y.K. Uvaliev in the 2022-23 academic year.
At the Department of Chemistry, educational work is carried out by curators in academic groups. Communication is carried out through the Higher School of IT and EH.
Educational work is based on the implementation of the Concept of Education of the Young Generation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the plan of educational activities, and the development plan of the VKU named after S. Amanzholov. Based on these documents, there is a plan for the educational work of the department.
Students of the department take an active part in all events of the university and the Higher School. This is evidenced by certificates and letters of gratitude. There are documents on educational work - a work plan for the implementation of the Comprehensive Education Program, diaries of curators, regulations on the advisor of VKU named after. Sarsen Amanzholov and work plans, reports, minutes of curatorial hours. Academic calendars have been developed for each group of students.
Throughout the semester, curators maintain contact with the parents of students who have absences from classes without a valid reason or have a low rating score.
During the academic year, students of the Department of Chemistry took an active part in the events of the Department of Chemistry, held jointly with educational institutions.
During the regional, junior Olympiad, the most active students take part in the preparation and organization of these events (decorating and preparing the hall, participating in concert numbers, etc.).
As part of the career guidance university-wide event “Open University”, in which 3rd year students of OP 6B05304-Chemical Forensic Examination (Kazakhstan) took an active part. They showed a master class “Amazing Chemistry” and demonstrated interesting chemical experiments.
On March 5, 2023, a festive event dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8 was held at the Department of Chemistry. The organizers were 3rd year students of the EP 6B05304-Chem.crim.exp.(k/o). The event was very interesting, accompanied by quizzes, songs and dances.
In October 2022, 3rd year students of OP 6B05304-Chemical Forensic Examination took part in a curatorial hour dedicated to the outstanding Kazakh writer, playwright and scientist, Doctor of Philosophy Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov. The group's students showed an excerpt from the novel "Abay's Path".
In March 2023, 3rd year students of the EP 6B05304-Criminal Expertise (Kazakhstan) took 3rd place in their participation in the university-wide volleyball tournament.
The teaching staff of the Department of Chemistry conducts development of research in the following 4 priority scientific areas:
- Improving the methodological basis for analytical control of samples of natural and man-made production
Relevance of the research topic: until recently, in analytical chemistry in production, much attention was paid only to the convergence and reproducibility of results obtained using a certain method, and not to their traceability to a specific standard or SI unit.
Purpose of the work: Analysis of dump slag from a copper plant for the content of lead, copper and zinc using two spectrophotometric instruments - an atomic absorption and an atomic emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma after appropriate sample preparation.
Expected results: in the work on the analysis of slag from the copper waste production of Management Company MK Kazzinc LLP, much attention will be paid to sample preparation for the quantitative determination of copper, lead and zinc by two methods: atomic absorption and atomic emission with inductively coupled plasma. The introduction of modern characteristics such as uncertainty will improve the quality of analysis, especially its accuracy and reproducibility.
1.1. Development of a methodology for analyzing metallurgical production products of Management Company MK Kazzinc LLP using spectrophotometric methods. Scientific supervisor – Professor of the Department of Chemistry Aubakirova R.A.
- Phytochemical study of some plant species growing in Eastern Kazakhstan in order to identify their physiological activity and medicinal properties
Relevance of the research topic: the extraction of biologically active components from certain plant species of the Scrophulariaceae, Asteraceae and other families growing in Eastern Kazakhstan is very relevant. The study of the phytochemical properties of some plant species of various families is carried out with the aim of developing new domestic herbal preparations for medical pharmaceuticals.
Purpose of the work: Detection of biologically active components from plant raw materials of some plant species growing in the East Kazakhstan region, and study of their composition using modern physical and chemical methods.
Expected results: development of a method for detecting biologically active compounds of certain types of plant families in order to establish their chemical composition and biological activity.
2.1 Study of the chemical composition and biological activity of some plant species of the Scrophulariaceae, Asteraceae and other families growing in East Kazakhstan region. Scientific supervisor – PhD Doctor Ibraeva M.M.
- Problems of solid fuel processing and synthesis of new compounds
Relevance of the research topic: treatment of industrial wastewater, polluted waters of rivers and reservoirs is a necessity in solving environmental problems. In this regard, the study of sorbents based on humic acids, used in the purification of aquatic environments from contaminated impurities, and which do not have a harmful effect on the environment and humans, is a very urgent task and has a promising scientific direction.
Purpose of the work: to develop a method for producing humic acids (HA) based on brown coal from the Kenderlyk deposit and using them in the future as a substrate for modified sorbents.
Expected results: establishing optimal conditions for obtaining natural sorbents from oxidized brown coal for purifying wastewater from harmful pollutants (heavy metal ions) and studying the physicochemical properties of the resulting sorbents using modern instrumental methods.
3.1 Development of a method for the production of humic acids (HA) based on brown coal from the Kenderlyk deposit and their further use as a substrate for modified sorbents. Scientific supervisor – associate prof. Tantibaeva B.S.
- Current issues in teaching chemistry in higher and secondary schools
Relevance of the research topic: identification, theoretical justification and experimental testing of the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of a professionally oriented learning environment using the regional component; increasing the level of creativity, independence, interest of students and students through the use of traditional and experimental methods in the process of studying chemistry in the educational process of higher and secondary schools will increase the level of training of university and school graduates.
Expected results: development of theoretical models of teaching methods and substantiation of optimal scientific and pedagogical approaches to the implementation of these methodological developments.
4.1 Implementation of a system-structural approach using a regional component in the process of studying chemistry at a university. Scientific supervisor – associate prof. Shaikhova B.K. Performers: doctoral student Manapova S.
4.2. Methodological aspects of increasing the levels of independence, creativity and creative abilities of junior students when studying inorganic and organic chemistry. Scientific supervisor – associate prof. Tantibaeva B.S.
4.3 Methodology for studying chemical topics in secondary school in the conditions of updated educational content in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific supervisor – associate prof. Abylkasova G.E.
4.4. Interdisciplinary integration as a means of increasing interest in studying chemistry among students of physics and mathematics schools. Scientific supervisor – associate prof. Afanasenkova I.V.
The Department of Chemistry implements academic mobility during the academic year.
Associate Professor Afanasenkova I.V. As part of academic mobility, from December 4 to 12, she visited the University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland). She attended classes to study Finnish colleagues and exchange experiences.
Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry Afanasenkova I.V. took part in the project “An Integrated Approach to the Training of STEM Teachers”, organized by the coordinator of the Erasmus+ STEM project, Professor Maija Aksela, University of Helsingin (Helsingin yliopisto). Participation took place in the form of academic mobility at the University of Helsing from December 4 to 11, 2022.
From January 4 to January 5, 2023, a representative of the University of Helsinki, STEM specialist Oona Kiviluoto, visited the Department of Chemistry of VKU named after S. Amanzholov. She visited chemical laboratories, held conversations with teachers to exchange experiences, and visited the Dana Bala Center.
At the Department of Chemistry, as part of academic mobility, in the 2nd semester of the current 2021-22 academic year, a lecture was given on the discipline “Quantitative Analysis” for 3rd year students of the full-time department of the OP “Chemistry” of the State Institution “Shakarim University” (Semey) by an associate professor of the department chemistry Shaikhova Bakyt Kaliaskarovna online.
In the 2nd semester of the 2021-22 academic year, as part of academic mobility, senior lecturer of the State Institution “Shakarim University” (Semey) Kasymova Zhanar Saylaurbekovna gave a lecture for our 1st year full-time students of OP 6B01504-Chemistry, 6B01507-Chemistry-Biology, 6B05302-Chemistry and nanomaterials, 6B05304-Chemical forensic examination in the discipline “Chemistry of Elements”. The dates are from January 24 to May 5 of the 2021-22 academic year.
Associate Professor Dautova Z.S. in March 2023 visited the State Institution “University named after. Shakarima" (Semey) as part of internal academic mobility, where she gave a lecture on organic chemistry.
A student of the Department of Chemistry, Imash Ulzhagas, visited the Auezov University (Shymkent) in 2021.
In the 2022-23 academic year, 3rd year student OP 6B01507-Chemistry-Biology Kydyrbekov Daulet traveled to Poland, to the Adam Mickiewicz University to study as part of academic mobility for the period from October 2022 to February 2023.
Dauletkazy Madiyar went to Azerbaijan, Baku State University to study as part of academic mobility.
Period of stay – 1st semester 2023-24 academic year.
The number of manuals and monographs published by teachers of the department over the past 3 years amounted to 26 UML for the period from 2020 to 2022.
Of these, in 2020 - 2 textbooks, 19 teaching tutorials.
in 2021 – 1 textbook, 5 teaching tutorials.
in 2022 – 3 textbooks, 1 monograph
The total published educational and methodological literature of the teaching staff of the Department of Chemistry is 27 - in the Kazakh language, 10 - in Russian.
Teachers of the department annually hold round tables with school teachers in the city and region on the problems of teaching mathematics, participate in methodological seminars on teaching modern educational technologies, conduct master classes after training in advanced training courses at the republican and intra-university level, and constantly improve their professional level in methodological work, which is confirmed by certificates. Open classes are held.
Educational programs of the Department of Chemistry
№ | EP |
1. | 6B05302 Chemistry and nanomaterials |
2. | 6В01507 Chemistry-Biology |
3. | 6В05304 Chemical forensic examination |
4. | 7М05302 Chemistry |
5. | 7М01504 Chemistry |
6. | 8D05302 Chemistry |
7. | 8D01504 Chemistry |
Teaching staff of the department
Shaikhova Bakyt Kaliaskarovna
Head of department к.п.н.
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Tantybayeva Batima Smataevna
assoc.professor c.p.s
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Aubakirova Rosa Ablakimovna
professor, сandidate of сhemical sciences
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Mukazhanova Zhazira Bigalievna
associate professor, PhD
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Abylkasova Gulzhan Ekpergenovna
associate professor, сandidate of сhemical sciences
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Dautova Zukhra Satbekovna
assoc.professor c.p.s
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Afanasenkova Irina Vladimirovna
assoc.professor c.p.s
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Sannyazova Shynar Kadylbekovna
lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Abilmazhinova Gauhar Almesakovna
senior lecturer, master of chemistry
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Orazova San Sovetbekovna
senior lecturer master of pedagogical sciences
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Kabdysalym Kulaigul
senior lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*
Askarova Moldir Askarovna
senior lecturer, master of natural sciences
*To view the teacher's portfolio, click on the photo*