Corporate governance

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Berdalieva Gulzat
Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Expert of the Department for work with non-governmental legal entities with state participation of the State property and Privatization Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Akerke Abylaikhan
Member of the board of directors
Chairman of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Tolegen Mukhtar
Chairman of the Board – Rector of Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
Abaydildin Talgatbek Zhamshitovich
independent director
Toikebayeva Bayan Independent director
Independent director – General Director of Felix Astana LLP

the Anti-corruption Compliance Service

Zheksembayev Kainar Erlanovich
Head of the Anti-corruption Compliance Service - Compliance officer

Corporate secretary

Zhukokova Naziya Kazbekovna
Corporate secretary

Internal audit servise

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